wtorek, 12 maja 2009

Apple cookies

-two glasses of flour
-20 dag. Marge
-one egg
-one yolk
-1 oy of yeast
-one spoon of sugar
-0,5 glass of creamy
-vanilla aroma
-50 dag sour apple
-10 dag castor sugar
Mix yeast with sugar ang marde. Add flour. Chop all mixture and add one egg and one yolk. After that add creamy, little salt and vanilla aroma. Kmead mass to make plain cake. Roll this cake to three centimeters. Use a special form to cut cookies. Peel apples and cut to pieces and loy one piece on each cookie. Take a bakingtray and spread magre on it. Put the cookies in a troy and place it in oven. Set the oven to 190 C and bake for 15 minuts

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