wtorek, 12 maja 2009

Apple cookies

-two glasses of flour
-20 dag. Marge
-one egg
-one yolk
-1 oy of yeast
-one spoon of sugar
-0,5 glass of creamy
-vanilla aroma
-50 dag sour apple
-10 dag castor sugar
Mix yeast with sugar ang marde. Add flour. Chop all mixture and add one egg and one yolk. After that add creamy, little salt and vanilla aroma. Kmead mass to make plain cake. Roll this cake to three centimeters. Use a special form to cut cookies. Peel apples and cut to pieces and loy one piece on each cookie. Take a bakingtray and spread magre on it. Put the cookies in a troy and place it in oven. Set the oven to 190 C and bake for 15 minuts

środa, 6 maja 2009


Easter is a very important festival for every Christian. On Ash Wednesday we start waiting for Resurrection of Jesus. Every Friday people fast and don’t eat meat or sweet, fatty food. On Palm Sunday (Sunday before Easter) we go to the church with colourful palms. Good Week is a quite busy time People dust and vacuum. Long time takes cooking. Traditional polish food is so delicious! There always are cheesecake, poppy-seed cake and crisp cake on our tables. On Good Friday Christians commemorate crucifixion of Jesus by walking and praying through town’s roads. On Good Saturday we go to the church with family. We prepare Easter basket. In the midst of basket there are a piece of sausage, a slice of bread, some soil and paper, hand-painted eggs. We share food and wish health, money and luck to our family and friends on Sunday, when we eat special breakfast. I like this festival very much. It’s happy and we often have a good weather.

wtorek, 5 maja 2009


Vegetarianism is a kind of diet. During this diet you don't eat meat. Instead of meat you can eat eggs,pasta,vegetables and frut. If you are a child you can't be vegetarian because it is not good for you health. Meat contains mikroelements, which are very important for your growth. My friend wanted to be a vegetarian but her mum didn't agree. This diet is good for adults. Especially if They are over weight. Vegetarianism helps theme to loose on weight and reduce fat


Carnival starts on Epiphany. That's 6 th of January in Poland. In Poland the most popular day is the last Saturday of carnival. People dress up. They go to parties. Everyone has a lot of fun. Children go from house to house and sing songs and get candies. Two days before that day we have Fat Thursday. In this day we eat doughnuts. Carnival always ends on Tuesday and after that day we have Ash Wednesday. Carnival in Poland consists of these special days


Once upon a time. There was a little girl. Her name was Bell. She lived in a small village. She didn't have mother. Her mother died when she was three. She was raised by her father.They led a simple life in an old cottage house. She didn't have many friends. Bell wanted to help her father so she carried water from a stream to the house. One day, when the girl was sitting at the stream, she saw fairies on the flower. She was shocked and excited. And silently went there. Little faries were scared and ran away. She used to go there every day to hide in the bush and watch the fairies. Faries played and sang songs. Faries didn't know that they were observed. One day she came very close to them and said softly:" Don't be afraid, I'm your friend". They started talking. Bell told them the story of her life. They felt sorry for Bell and they gave her a magic ring. Bell thanked for the ring and went home.That night she had a fantastic dream. She dreamt that she lived in beautiful house with many friends. When she opened her eyes the dream came true. She ran to the stream to thank fariests for the ring. But she was never seen there again